Take this info and wheel towards the exit of the warehouse. This will permit you access into a room where a droid will provide T3 with Vogga's launch codes. The next doorway is locked by a puzzle which can be solved by completing these commands: Rotate the Center block counterclockwise Return to the C7 to attack it and continue into the warehouse. Speak to the C6 droid on the other side of the crates and he will ask that you disable the C7 blocking the path. He will not let you pass through to the next section of the warehouse. Droid Warehouse Enter the warehouse and speak to the droid at the control panel at the end of the warehouse. Order the killing of Visquis to earn some dark side points and you will witness a deal between Kreia and Han Har. Walk into the circular arena to advance the story. Once Han Har opens the vent shaft you take control of the main character again. Also, the vent controls are marked on the map and can be used to turn the environment of the underground sanctuary against its inhabitants.
The quickest path to freedom is to take a left from the sparring room and use the special keypad to enter the tunnels. These hunters fill the corridors of the following area. When you exit the pen Ubese bounty hunters will be the next enemies that block the path. Search the small room at the back of the pen for more credits and a keycard. Kill the hounds, then pick up the mines and remains of the other pit victims. After the battle you are betrayed, and a pack of Kath hounds are released into the pen. Be sure to level Han Har up and then use his Wookiee fury to boost his attack. Light side characters have the opposite choice. Once you select the high security door at the end of the tunnels the point of view will switch to Han Har the Wookiee and you will have to kill Mira. The following map will make your journey faster.
Tunnels The tunnels are filled with mines and also contain two dead bodies that hold items. Tell them to get out of your site before you kill them to earn some dark side points. Question the Twi'lek as to the location of their master and they will spill the beans about their boss and the trap he has laid. Continue through the bar into the private lounge. Before walking towards the private room, walk into the room on the left to kill more thugs and earn some bonus experience. A couple force power attacks are enough to take out the thugs. There may be a large number of combatants but none of them have very many hit points. Use this technique to remain safe from the toxic fumes of the area, then take on the hoards of enemies inside the bar. Kreia communicates through the force and teaches you the breath control force power. Inside the bar the fumes will begin to poison your character. Watch the cut scenes that follow and you will again take control of the main character in a hideout in the flop house. Mira Next, you will take control of Mira and walk into the private lounge of the Jekk'Jekk bar. Their blaster shots are not nearly as powerful as their melee attacks so you can damage them from afar with grenades. Or, you can hide behind objects like the doorway to force the Twin Suns to fight from a distance. First off, you can cover the floor of the cantina with mines earlier in the game. This battle can be won easily with a couple of cheap methods. Here you will be attacked by the Twin Suns, the Twi'lek bounty hunters. The game's perspective will switch to Atton who has decided to cool off in the bar. Return to the ship to receive an invitation to a private room in the Jekk'Jekk Tarr Bar You have to travel alone so walk towards the entrance to the docks and Atton will see you off and give you some medical supplies. Atton's Past Catches Up Leave the Ebon Hawk again and Atton will stop you and tell you that he has just received a transmission that the group should hear. Afterwards she will appear in the medical where you can speak to her. In order to win this battle you only need to bring her down to half health, so use lightning attacks to finish the fight quickly. Switch to the Contention battle stance which works well against Jedi. After dealing with the Red Eclipse you will be approached by a woman member of the Sith who will attack you. You can control the slave trade from the cantina on Nar Shaddaa in the future. This is not only a choice dark side move, but it will net you profits in the future. Tell him that you could kill the Red Eclipse easily and then take control of their slave trade. Slash through the ranks until you encounter the leader of the group who will speak to you. Many more members of the Red Eclipse are on the ship waiting to do battle. Boarding the Ebon Hawk is the only way to advance the story line.
The entire walkway to your craft is lined with these enemies so prepare yourself for a long battle. When you return to the ship there will be a group of thugs waiting for you known as the Red Eclipse.